
Aging stereotypes exist and we want to change that. Care Unlimited is emphatic in its vision to ‘change the experience of old age through active aging and meaningful engagement’. It has been clear right from the start that its services are for creating a difference in the lives of the elderly. It is not to provide emergency services but to make meaningful relationships with their clients, providing them with a reliable support system, become a surrogate family member who will listen to them, help them with their chores, engage with them and reduce their loneliness.

About Us

Care Unlimited commenced in 2015. It saw the need for support for our older citizens. A demographic that is often lonely as family and friends become fewer and distanced. Natural degeneration, less social interaction due to mobility issues, loss of confidence and social neglect prevents them from pursuing an active and fulfilling life.

Mission & Vision

Our commitment

To offer personalized service as per the needs of our elderly members. To reduce the worries of children far away or unable to assist daily. And to make life worth living for all our members.

Why us? Because We Care.

At Care Unlimited, we understand the children’s concern for their aged parents. We realize how helpless one feels as one is often unable to help with life’s little and sometimes not so little challenges that came their way. Care Unlimited provides a reliable support system to the elderly, taking on the role of a surrogate child who listens to them, helps them with their chores, engages with them and reduces their loneliness. For the elderly they regain their confidence and know they have someone who will be there to help 24/7. Care Unlimited is there at all times providing guidance, solutions, security and support.

Mission & Vision


What We Do

What We Do

  • We build everlasting relationships with our elderly members.

  • We change the experience of old age through meaningful engagement.

  • We change the experience of old age through meaningful engagement.

  • We provide them with a reliable support system.

  • We reduce the stress from their lives.

  • We nurture and encourage their talents and passions.

Memory Montage

Memory Montage is short documentary on the Memories of Seniors made by a joint team of geriatric care advisers and media professional - easy to afford, hassle free to build, pleasure to watch and convenient to store.

